The Cupcakery
Posted in Goodie Finds by Erin - Sep 15, 2010
After a recent trip to Vegas, I have renewed my love for cupcakes, and here’s why: The Cupcakery! I ask you, what could possibly be better than a bakery specializing in gourmet cupcakes? Nothing comes to my mind!
After walking by several times and admiring their spotless glass display counters and endless jars of sprinkles, I had to partake in some of their goodies. Having to narrow my selection from 20+ cupcakes down to 4 proved to be a difficult task, but one that I was willing to accept. Here’s what I picked:

(Clockwise from upper right): Grasshopper, Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup, Southern Belle and Oh, My Ganache!
Cherry Pie Tarts
Posted in Pastries by Erin - Jul 23, 2010

Charming Cherries
My first goodies made with the new KitchenAid mixer:
This was the first time I’d made pie dough from scratch, and it was so much easier than I anticipated! I was beyond impressed as I watched the last teaspoon of cold water going into the mixing bowl bringing the pie dough together!
Also, I discovered that martini glasses are the perfect size for cutting-out tarts… who knew?
The filling was the perfest combination of cherry goodness with a burst of citrus from some orange zest.
A definite success!
Birthday Brownies
Posted in Other Goodies by Erin - Jul 18, 2010

Mini Chipotle Brownies
Geneviève made these adorable brownies for my surprise summer birthday party. She used a boxed brownie mix, and added 1 tsp of chipotle powder! They’re topped with a wonderful chocolate ganache.
They had the usual chocolatey goodness that you’d expect with a brownie and then just a hint of heat from the chipotle powder – so yummy!
New Toy!
Posted in Goodie Gadgets by Erin - Jul 17, 2010

My KitchenAid
Having a December birthday has always been a bit of a drag since it’s right in the middle of Christmas party season. This is something I’ve come to accept as I’ve gotten older, but it came as a disappointment to Jason who tried to throw me a party last year, and was unimpressed by its very few attendees.
So much to my surprise (I really had no idea), I had a July birthday this year. July 17th, to be exact. There was delicious spicy foods and the best part of all: my shiny new KitchenAid stand mixer!
I can’t wait to take it for a spin…
Valentine’s Day Treats
Posted in All Things Chocolate by Erin - Feb 14, 2010

With All my Brownie Heart
What else do boys want for Valentine’s Day? Brownies, of course! Or at least that was my line of thinking when I made these tasty little chocolately treats for my FV.
Another first with these goodies: I had never used concentrated icing colour before and quickly discovered that when they say ‘concentrated’ – they really do mean it! My fingers will be red until St. Patrick’s Day!
Christmas Cookies
Posted in Cookies by Erin - Dec 24, 2009
Christmas sugar cookies decorated on Christmas Eve with the gracious help of Jason (who turns out to be a whiz when dealing with sprinkles!)
I must admit that apart from the baking and icing of these cookies, I had little else to do with the decorating… which is a surprise, since that’s my favourite part!
The tiny light bulbs are probably my favourite; adorable AND you don’t feel guilty eating more than one.

Plate of Yuletide Goodies
Halloween Cookies
Posted in Cookies by Erin - Nov 02, 2009
[post by Jason]
Halloween cookies delievered to Jason at approx. midnight of October 29th, 2009.
Click for larger images.

Cookies in a Halloween Window Box

Pumpkins, Ghosts, Bats, Skeletons

Closeup... mmm, sprinkles... *drool*
House Cookies
Posted in Cookies by Erin - Oct 29, 2009

A Neighbourhood of House Cookies
[post by Jason]
Delivered to Jason on Sept. 25, 2009. Tied up prettily with a green ribbon. He eated them all up. Picture is not so good, but the cookies were!
[additonal comments by Erin]
I made these sugar cookies as a housewarming gift. It was my first decorating experience with Wilton’s Decorating Icing (see picture) – and I must say, I was hooked.
I took this picture using my web cam, so the quality’s not the greatest, but I love how it looks like a little neighbourhood!